On average, elderly patients take over five prescription medications. That number raises to seven for elderly individuals within nursing homes.
As our loved ones age, it becomes more important than ever to keep a watchful eye on medication use. When used incorrectly, medications cause more harm than good.
But there is a way to keep medication use safe. It’s called medication management.
If you or your loved ones rely on prescription pills for daily health, this system is an effective tactic to battle forgetfulness, incorrect usage, harmful drug interactions and more. It could even mean the difference between your loved one staying at home and going to a nursing facility.
Stay safe and healthy by learning more about medication management here.
What Is Medication Management?
Medication management offers expert advice to make medication taking manageable and effective. Experts study the patient, his or her medications and his habits. Caregivers and individuals then create plans to make it easier for patients to take medicine.
Professionals start by gaining a deeper understanding of the patient’s medical history and prescriptions. From there, they analyze the patient’s daily habits to identify any behaviors that could be harmful, such as forgetting to take pills.
Some services even discuss alternative medications for healthier lifestyles.
Using this data, experts create a management plan that takes the individual’s habits and needs into account. The plan might include:
- Reminders to take medicine
- Specific labels to avoid mix-ups
- Improved schedules for daily life
- Personal instruction
These systems help patients get the most out of their medications. They also decrease the chance of harmful issues.
There are a number of advantages medication management offers to patients and to their families.
Promotes Overall Health
Most important, these tactics promote healthier individuals. By addressing any concerns, individuals reduce the risk of future issues.
This is particularly important for seniors. Almost 60% of the elderly population makes errors when taking their medications. Over 25% do this with serious consequences on their health.
Creating a plan that works for the patient’s individual behaviors encourages healthy practices. Patients know when and how to take medications safely.
Further, plans reduce the possibility of errors due to medications. That means fewer negative impacts on health.
Part of the management process includes assessing a patient’s list of prescriptions. This assessment lets doctors find alternative medications or therapies that would be beneficial. Therefore, in addition to promoting healthy practices, current drugs are evaluated for effectiveness.
Avoids Adverse Drug Interactions
Officials estimate adverse drug interactions cause over 100,000 deaths in the US each year. In fact, one out of five hospital patients’ injuries or deaths is due to an adverse interaction.
These cases are preventable, and simple meds, a medication chart for home, and more are easy ways to lower these numbers.
Unfortunately, the number of interactions increases if individuals take four or more medications. That means many seniors face an increased risk of an accidental interaction.
Keeps Track of Changing Medications
Doctors try to avoid changing medications unless it’s necessary or better for the individual. However, many seniors experience health issues that require new or changing medicines.
This makes it easy for your loved one to forget a pill, take medicine at the wrong time, or consume something they shouldn’t. A management system, however, makes it easy to keep up with changing meds.
Addresses Forgetfulness
Each year, about 10 million people are diagnosed with dementia.
For those diagnosed, it becomes difficult to keep track of daily schedules or make sense of the world. For individuals suffering from such illnesses and their families, medication management systems ensure they are taking prescriptions appropriately.
Reduces Future Costs
Accidental medication mishaps are costly.
For patients who experience an accidental drug reaction, the length of their hospital stay, the cost of treatment and the chances of mortality are double that of other patients.
Even worse is the emotional cost associated with accidents that have deadly consequences.
Thankfully, discouraging such scenarios takes only a small bit of effort and a greater understanding of the patient, his or her medications and his or her habits.
Minimizes Stress
Having a loved one who requires care or has health issues, resulting in the need for prescriptions, is stressful. Sons, daughters, siblings and more worry something may go wrong.
A medication management system not only decreases the chances of accidents or future issues but also decreases the stress families and friends feel about their loved ones.
That relief, too, is felt by patients, who no longer must remember which medicine to take when.
At-Home Care
One last important benefit of medication plans is the possibility of avoiding placing a loved one into a nursing home. These plans address patients on an individual level by discovering what works best for them.
Many people who only need help with medications may be able to stay home. Even those who need some help can benefit from an at-home caretaker who is aware of the patient’s needs.
How to Develop a Plan
Developing a plan starts with your or your loved one’s physician or home healthcare agency. Speak to representatives about a system that would work for your loved one.
Make sure both your doctors and any home health care workers are aware of the program so that all personnel can help the patient stay on track.
If you are considering the system for a loved one, take the time to discuss medication management with him or her. Individuals may be averse to the idea at first or may view it as unnecessary.
Be supportive and explain the benefits. Avoid scare tactics or bossy statements. Instead, have research ready explaining how the process works and why your loved one should consider it.
The Gift of Life
Having a loved one who improperly takes medication is a stressful and emotional situation for family and friends. Reduce the stress, and add to the days you have left by integrating a medication management system.
You don’t have to create one alone. Our experts at Families Choice Home Care specialize in assisting individuals in circumstances just like these. We understand the importance of encouraging a patient’s independence while supporting him or her in a safe manner.
Contact our representatives to discuss possibilities. We want to help keep medication use safe and, most importantly, to let your loved one live life to the fullest.